An introductory programme
This programme is for you if you’d like to see what we have to offer before you commit to the coaching programme. You can also use it to help you identify what your most critical learning needs are.
The programme gives you access to our powerful Problem Solving Foundations course, ten tools videos, and our online messaging board. You can use this to get in touch with us at any time.
The ten tools:
Change Success Model
The benefit of this model is to help leaders in organisations implement change, understand their current change success potential and then focus on the factors that can be improved to boost their probability of success.
Mindshop Process
The Mindshop process is used as the “umbrella” framework to drive long-term strategic change with people and organisations. The left-hand side of the process is where the short-term issues are addressed. The lessons from implementation of short-term issues are then used to develop a SWOT analysis, which is used on the right-hand side of the process to develop the strategic issues and ultimately feed into a regularly updated one page plan.
Magic Wand
One of the simplest tools that can be used in solving business or personal challenges is the magic wand process. With a magic wand you ask: “If you had a magic and with no limitations, what changes would you make to this issue, business or change initiative?” It can be used individually or within groups to draw out key issues and generate thinking outside the box for a business, issue or change initiative.
Force Field
A force field is used to drive strategies into actions by discovering what can be done to double the impact of the positive forces impacting on the strategy and at the same time halving the forces that are impacting negatively on it. It is a powerful problem-solving tool for virtually any issue.
Five Whys
Five whys is a questioning technique to quickly get from the symptoms to the root cause of the problem. The concept is that if you have a problem to solve such as lack of sales, you ask “why” five times to drill down into the root cause of why sales is an issue. Five is the average number of whys. Sometimes you get to the root cause after two or three. Other times it may be as many as eight whys before you get there.
Now – Where – How
Now – Where – How is the core methodology recommended to drive forward any change initiative. It can be used as an overarching process for fixing an issue, developing a strategy, coaching an individual or just having a problem-solving conversation.
Mind mapping
Mind mapping is one of the simplest, yet powerful, tools a person can use to problem solve and to brainstorm strategies. It is designed to help organise your ideas by utilising a technique that allows you to capture the natural flow of your thoughts. It is ideal for situations where a group needs to understand all the elements of an issue.
Pareto Analysis
The Pareto principle is used when you need to sort out the vital few strategies from the trivial many. It is based on the premise that 80% of problems we face are due to 20% of the possible causes. Most people feel overwhelmed when facing hundreds of issues. By using the Pareto principle, however, you will be able to identify the vital few key strategies to prioritise and give you focus.
A strategic SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) is recommended as a powerful tool to challenge thinking and draw out clever strategies. Many leaders in business have all done a SWOT before but not many have done a strategic SWOT. While the development of strategy can be quite complex and difficult to do using one tool, the strategic SWOT is useful for starting the process. The SWOT should generate a number of strategic options, and your challenge is to select the best three or four for your organisation.
One Page Business Plan
The one-page plan is a simple, yet effective, tool to capture the NOW, WHERE strategies, actions, timings and who is responsible for each action. It becomes a powerful one-page document to hold teams and leaders accountable in driving strategy to action.